On the Cusp / Albores / À l’orée – Seymour Mayne

On the Cusp / Albores / À l’orée Poems by Seymour Mayne Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación | Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2013 Translated from English to French by Sabine Huynh, and from English to Spanish by Maria Laura Spoturno. Este volumen de poesía trilingüe es el resultado de un proyecto […]

Des liens invisibles, tendus / Taut, invisible threads – Dara Barnat

Des liens invisibles, tendus / Taut, invisible threads Poems by Dara Barnat Recours au poème éditeurs, 2014. Translated from English to French by Sabine Huynh. Des liens invisibles, tendus / Taut, Invisible Threads is a bilingual collection of poems by the American poet Dara Barnat, translated to French by Sabine Huynh. Dara Barnat explores migration […]

The Blue Butterfly / Le papillon bleu – Richard Berengarten

The Blue Butterfly / Le papillon bleu Poems by Richard Berengarten Translated by Sabine Huynh, 2018. « Cahier de l’Approche », édité à Angoulême – 16000 – tiré à 100 exemplaires, à l’imprimerie Renon, orné d’une gravure de Yu Jen Chih. Responsable littéraire de la collection : Laurine Rousselet.

After You Surrender / Ce qu’il reste d’abandon – Laurent Maindon

After You Surrender / Ce qu’il reste d’abandon Poems by Laurent Maindon. Translated from French to English by Sabine Huynh. Leaky Boot Press, 2017. Website’s blurb about the book: Laurent Maindon’s poetry tries to develop an architecture of implicit and slow motion, that both speaks to and reveals the inner self. “I’m still convinced that […]

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